Friday, August 23, 2013

#When to oppose equals #denying facts

- visibly roads built, because I am opposition there is no road project done

- thousands of schools built, as I am opposition for me the schools are not simply there

- thousands of health centers built and functioning, for I am opposing EPRDF no such services. It is simply a lie

- electric generation has grown by thousands of MW, for there are few blackouts it is a propaganda though the dams are visible

- tens of thousands are joining universities, simply because I am opposition it is a sign of crumbling quality of education

- Ethiopia has become influential in Africa, as I am opponent I simply say it is weaker than Hailesilassie period
- the economy is performing as one of the best growing economies in the world, just because I am opposition I claim it is wrong

- cities in Ethiopia are mushrooming for I am opposition I don't see them though I am out to Hawasa and Bahirdar for retreat

Opposition politics based on lie is the alternative provided in the political sphere. It is a waste especially when you see this option provided by the opposition who give itself scholastic accolades.

Is being scholar equal to denial of facts? or this is simply poverty of inventing alternative policies to ones offered by EPRDF.

How come such lame parties condemn a party machine of EPRDF gearing Ethiopia to league of the middle income economies to be achieved in a decade or so?

I advice these opposition parties to do deep sole searching if at all they want to be relevant. Like wise cadres and leaders of the opposition deserves to make similar sole searching in private though I know they are chaotic and not good at learning from their inherent weaknesses.

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