Friday, November 30, 2012

Nile Is Enough to All, No War, No Battle

Nature made Nile in Ethiopia down in gorges to fuel electric power; it is so made in Sudan and Egypt to do everything from energy to drinking water to irrigation.

Now what remains to be seen is the wisdom of these nations to share it accordingly. I don't think we are that idiot to pick war while to share is the best option.

The best thing now is to leave aside the old scarcity driven Nile politics that wage proxy war in Somalia and in the sub-region at large.

It is good to see there is a way for the riparian countries to share the Nile waters apart from what nature does to maintain balance between the downstream and upper-stream countries of the Nile River.

As some do, mired with their old views, we can’t allow to beat drum of war which would certainly be devastating for all involved.

The measure of solutions we provide should meet the mentality and needs of the 21st century than the 20th Century crooked mentality that sees cooperation as a failure.

Ethiopia will certainly develop mammoth hydro dams to fuel its growing power demand; Sudan will develop dams, irrigate its agriculture, and drink it; Egypt will do the same: drink it, irrigate it and turn it into energy.

I think this is the sensible way out. We just can’t beat drum of war our way out of the Nile Politics. Rather we synergize like no other and prove to the rest of the world Africa can cooperate to mutual benefits. Together we thrive.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Not Privileged to Complain

Not Privileged to Complain, rather Contribute

You know what I like and seek to think your side of the story can have good points to make while I still decline to take your view. May be I don't believe in the balance of your view or may be your broader take of politics.

Yet I see a fire burning inside of you to make contributions which you believe are best for this country.

Anyhow there are others who believe the best is something else and in days these people take the leadership role, your views become irrelevant and their view becomes the working principle, policy and standard.

Till you win the seat for the leadership, you happen to live within the system. That is the beauty of democracy to be led by those with whom you don't share a policy view.

Nearly half of US citizens show in the recent election they don't share Obama's way, yet he is their president. Up until the next election, like it or not they see Obama’s way get implemented. It is not the depth of the research or whatsoever; it is running the elections, getting the post and leading the nation.

Like it or not this is the level of politics we have all achieved so far. Part of it says, if we are not satisfied with all we have now it implies our role was insufficient too. We also are to blame.

The way I see it is the angels are not here to fix it for us. We do it for ourselves. So you and I are part of those to blame and those to be appreciated for who we are now.

I don't think we have the privilege to stand aside and complain this is not to the standard. You and I are the standards. When we involve with best input, better politics; poor input then poor politics. So long friends!!!

Becoming a Country with many Deputy Prime Ministers

I think having more deputy Prime Ministers is crucial especially at a time the country has been executing a number of complex projects that would determine its fate at least in the next decades. 

Earlier we learned the late Premier Meles was burdened with multiple responsibilities and partly it was to blame for his poor health in his last few years.

The news, therefore, is a blessing as it goes to sharing responsibilities across the board. One thing it helps deliver quality leadership and make close follow up as the sectors are to be clustered in three leaving those designated to the direct oversight of the premier. 
The premier focuses on defense, macro economy, foreign affairs and the likes leaving the other sectors to be taken care of by his deputies.

Two, such collective leadership and delegation brings in much needed expertise from different corners as it involves many to take part in the leadership. Besides the Premier is no longer to be buried with overwhelming duties that would have a bearing on quality and health of his leadership .

I believe it also gives the leadership balance, and sectors get frequent support and feedback on their performances.It also makes follow-up and prompt correction far effective than it has ever been in this administration.

Countries like China do have four deputy prime ministers to whom various sectors are assigned for their close leadership. I personally believe the Chinese ascendance as a global economic and military powerhouse over the last decades is partly down to such collective leadership.

I don't mean because we have three deputies we are gonna be richer and better than we are now. But with more quality delegation, it is possible to refocus, organize and execute plans better than it used to be. 

So if the leadership at the helm goes for what is best and commit itself to do what it takes, the number of the deputies will really matter in how our country be governed.

My hope is with such dimension, the good governance concerns the public raises will be dealt with at a rather good speed and sense. 

Now for me it is time to help the leadership walk the talk and get done the plans it sets out to make Ethiopia  join the league of Middle-income economies. I hope this will happen with cooperation and willingness to do a little more than we did.

So long guys!//

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Uncomfortable, unsatisfied- Try this

Usually we have issues with which we are discontented with. I think that is part of any normal human life. The difference among many of us is not having such issues or not. 

It is how we deal with them that nails our life to hopeless wall or to a truly prosperous corner.

Those who get their hands dirty to try and change the things they are not happy with through working tools and resources will enjoy enduring results. In deed those of us who lament and blame our luck for where we are and for what we have at the moment will end up in a far worse situation.

We often tend to inquire ourselves who am I to change this and achieve this. What if we take a turn and ask ourselves why not me? What makes it impossible for me? The truth is if you don't concede the defeat by your own no body just no body pulls you off your way to your dreams.

Dream, dream big and take a step at a time to where you want to be. It is just a journey any body can enjoy and one with glowing treasures.

Give it a try. No payment, no punishment!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

We like to talk the way out of the Problem

Politics in Ethiopia is bad; Life in Ethiopia is bad; the media is boring .... these are the pains; so what?

Hey guys, experience says politics is not separate from economic and social dev't. You know every party needs the vote every five years.

And it makes promotion of any development effort essential for any party seeking re-election. I agree the way our media works sounds boring- both the electronic and the press.

So long as it helps to hold the incumbent accountable, hearing the plans doesn't hurt. Hearing the criticisms also helps to reinvent the plans when credible criticisms come our way.

The wrong ones we tolerate and work to change as the parties we may loath and the media we may abhor are all ours and representative of our consciousness.

Whenever we feel ears and hands are fewer, I think, the best thing is to involve two more ears in listening and two more hands in the plate shaping the future of our country (at least your ears and mine).

We just can't get frustrated with our institutions and our politics, like it or not these are the tools that shape the future of this country and we have only this country to build into one that we all take pride in.

Of course when you want to fly, to run is frustrating; when you like to run, to walk is loathed; when you like to walk, to crawl is bad; when you like to move despite whatsoever to plod and stagger matters.

I don't mind if you say Ethiopia is creeping and is sluggish, just it is good to help it move a bit faster forward to take it where you wish it to be.

Ethiopia is yours and mine; are we playing our cards to the best of luck and our competence? you and I have duty to answer this question for the sake of our likely purpose-driven-life.

Campaign against wrong doing and criticism could be important; but the most important thing is to act and do what is doable in the context we are in. If the best we can do is to criticize and campaign against, let it be. At least it is better than inaction!

Anyhow let's do what we believe can make us what we want to be. Building Ethiopia is not an option, it is just a choice we make and a commitment we live.

we just can't talk our way out of the problem, we do, build and transform this great people: us. Let's act then. Action counts not hope, not wish, not hate politics ...//

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

ሊለውጥ ሲለወጥ

አውግቸው ጅምሩን ዲሞክራሲ ሩቅ ሊያደርሱት ለራሳቸው ቃል ከገቡ ቆራጦች አንዱ ነዉ፡፡ ተስፋ ሰጪውን የኢኮኖሚ እድገትም የምር የብዞዎችን ኑሮ መቀየር ከሚችልበት ደረጃ ለማድረስ እጅግ ተነሳስቱዋል፡፡ ማንም አጠገቡ ያለ ሰው አዘውትሮ ከሚወተውታቸው እና ከሚያነሳቸው ጨዋታዎቹ ይህን ይረዳዋል፡፡

መንገዱ ረጅም ነው ይላል ሁሌ፡፡ ዋጋም ያስከፍላል- ቢያንስ በራስ ጥረት ባገኙት ብቻ መኖርን ይጠይቃል፡፡ እነ እገሌ ሰርቀው ትተውን ሄዱ በሚል ቁጭትና በአጭር በመክበር ፍላጎት ተማሎ በስነ ምግባር አለመላሸቅ ትልቁ ነገር ነው ሁሌም በጨዋታው መሀል፡፡

ይነሳሳሉ አጋዥ አቅም ይሆኑኛል የሚላቸው ወዳጆቹ ፅናቱን ፍላጎቱን እና ተነሳሽነቱን ከማድነቅ ባለፈ ጣታቸውን ትግሉ በሚጠይቀው ተግባር ዙሪያ ማነካካት አይፈልጉም፡፡ ትግሉን ስለማያምኑበት አደለም፤ የሚያነሳቸው ጉዳዮች ስለማያሳምኑዋቸው አደለም፡፡ ትግሉን የሞከሩ ሰዎች ቢሮክራሲው ውስጥ የተሰገሰጉ ዋልጌ ልምዶች እና አሰራሮች እንዴት እንዳሰናከሉዋቸው ስላዩ ነው፡፡

ለውጡ ቢመጣ ይወዳሉ ግን የለውጡ ተቃራኒዎች የሚደቅኑትን ስጋት የሚሻገሩበት መላ አይታያቸውም፡፡ እንዲያውም በጅብ ሊያስበላን ነው እንዴ አርፌ ትምህርቴን ልማር፤ አርፌ ኑሮዬን ልኑር፤ አርፌ እድገትና መስል ጥቅማጥቅሞችን ላግኝ እንዳገር ለማገኘው ጥቅም ለምን ብዬ ነው የግል ጥቅሞቼን የማጣው በሚል መነሻ ግን በተሸነፈ አተያይ እና ልምድ ተይዘው ሊያግዙት አልቻሉም፡፡

ስለ ለውጥ በተነሳ ግዜ ሁሉ ግን ድፍረቱ ለለውጥ ያለው ቀናነት በተሳሳተ አሰራራቸው ለሚታገላቸው ሰዎች እንኩዋ ሳይቀር ያለው ክብር ያስገርማቸዋል፡፡ የዚያኑ ያክል ሊያገኝ ሲችል በተለያዩ ማሳበብያ ምክንያቶች ያጣቸው ጥቅሞች፤ እድገቶች እና መሰል ነገሮች ግን ያስቆጩዋቸዋል፡፡ ይህንን መክፈል ስለሚጠሉ ነው እነሱ የሚወዱትን ለውጥ ሳይሰብኩ የሚያዩትን ነውር ለማረም ሳይጠሩ የቀሩት፡፡ እንዳያግዙት ትግሉ የሚያስከፍለውን ዋጋ ይፈሩታል ያው ግን ከንፈር ይመጡለታል- ምሰኪን፡፡

አውግቸው በቀናነት በጠቃሚነታቸው እና በአዋጭነታቸው አስቦባቸው የሚያመጣቸው ሀሳቦቹ አይወደዱለትም፡፡ አጉል አውቃለሁ ባይ፤ ያለኔ ተቆርቁዋሪ የለም አለ፤ ደርሶ ጠበቃ፤ ግትር፤ ወሬኛ፤ ክርክርን እንደስራ የቆጠረ ሰነፍ በሚሉ ቅፅሎች እየታጀበ ይወረፋል፡፡ ለነዚህ ዘለፋዎች እቁብ ባይሰጥም ትንሽ ገፋ አድርገው የሚገባውን ጥቅማጥቅም በመንሳት እንደማይችል ሊያሳዩት ቆርጠዋል፡፡

ይህ የትግል ዋጋዉ ነው፤ ይህ የትግል ልኩ ነው ይላል አውግቸው ጉዋደኞቹ ለምን አውጌ ትንሽ እራስህን ወደሚጠቅም ነገር ለተወሰነ ግዜ ዞር አትልም ሲሉት፡፡ አንተ ብቻህን ስለታገልክ አይሆን፡፡ ሁሉም ሲሰራው ይምጣ አንተ የራስክን ኑር ይሉታል፡፡ እርሱ ለሰዎች እየኖርኩ ነው ብሎ አያምንም፡፡ ለራሱ ኑሮ እየታገለ እንደሆነ ነው የሚያምነው፡፡ ጥቅል አገራዊ ባህሎቻችንና ልማዶቻችን በየግል እንደሚጎዱን ያያል፡፡ ለዚያ ነው አሰራሩን ተቁዋሞቹን እና አገራዊ ልማዶቻችንን የሚገመግመው፡፡

አንዳንዴ የብቻው ግዜ ወስዶ ሲያስብ የለወጠው ነገር ቢኖር ብዙ ሊያድግ ሲችል አለማደጉ፤ ባለመደጉ፤ የደሞዝ ጭማሪዎች የሚገባውን ያህል ባለማግኘቱ አቻዎቹ የነበሩ ሰዎች ተሻግረውት ሲሄዱ የሱ ምርጫዎች ውሱን እየሆኑ ሲሄዱ ያያል፡፡ የቀድሞውን ያክል እንኩዋ የሚፈልገውን ምግብ መርጦ የመመገብ እድሉ እየኮሰመነ፤ የሚሻውን ልብስ የመግዛት አቅሙ እየወደቀ፤ የቤት ኪራይ የመክፈል አቅሙ እየደከመ መሆኑ ነው የሚታየው ለውጥ፡፡ እናም ለውጡ ይብሱኑ መቸገሬ ካልሆነ እውን ምን ለውጥ አመጣሁ ብሎ በስጨት ይላል፡፡

ለምን እንደማንኛውም ሰው ዝም ብዬ ስራዬን እየሰራሁ ጥቅሞቼን አላስጠብቅም ይላል፡፡ ሰዉ ዝም ባለበት ብዙው ዋጋውን ፈርቶ በተወበት የኔ ወትዋችነት ምንድነው ኪሳራ ከመሆን ባለፈ- ራሱን ይሞግታል፡፡ ህሊናው ግን ሁሌም ትግል በአንድ ቆራጥ ሰው ልብ ተፀንሶ እየሰፋ እንደሚሄድ ይነግረዋል፤ ዝምታውም ዝምታ እንዳልሆነ ያውቃል፡፡ ፍርሀቱ ሲገፈፍለት ዝምታዉ የሚፈልገውን ወጤት እንደማያመጣ ሲታየው የሚቀላቀለው ብዙ የምር በለውጡ የሚያምን ብዙ ሰው እንዳለ ያያል፡፡

የቁዋሚው አጫፋሪዎችም ትግሉ ሲፋፋም ለውጡ አይቀሬ ሲሆን በፅናት የመቆም ባህሪያዊም የትግልም አጀንዳ እንደለላቸው ይረዳል፡፡ አጨብጭቤ መብላት እስካቻልኩ ምን አገባኝ ባዮች እንደሆኑና የሀይል ሚዛን ሲቀየር እንደሚቀልጡ እንዲያውም የአዲሱ ትግል ካድሬዎች ለመሆን እንደሚቃጣቸው ይረዳል፡፡ እናም የሆነው ትግሉ የሚጠይቀውን ስነምግባር ገና በጠዋቱ በተግባር የመማር ጉዳይ ነው፡፡ ጥቅም ቀርቶብኝ፤ ተነቅፌና ያን ወቀሳና ኪሳራ ዛሬ በጅምር በትንሽ ካላሸነፍኩ የነገውን ትላልቅ ትንቅንቅ ስለመወጣቴ ምን ማረጋገጫ ይኖራል ይላል፡፡

ትግል የውጣውረድ አለመኖር ሳይሆን በውጣውረድ ሳይዝሉ መነሻው የሆነውን ግብ ዳር ማድረስ እንደሆነ የምር ይገነዘባል፡፡ አሸናፊዎች ምንግዜም ውጣውረዱ ያልጣላቸው ያላንገዳገዳቸው አደሉም፡፡ እንዲያዉም እንዲያ ያለውን ድግግሞሽ ተስፈንጥሮ መነሳትን እየተማሩበት የጎደላቸውን እየሞሉበት ከቀደመው የመለጠ እየተጉበት የተበጠሰ የሚመስለውን ተስፋና ተግባር እየቀጠሉበት እንደተጉዋዙ ካነበባቸው የጀግኖች እና የመሪዎች ግለ ታሪክ እያጣቀሰ ቀቢፀ ተስፋ የሸተታትን ወኔውን የበለጠ አጠናክሮ ይነሳል፡፡

ሁሌም ለካ ለመቀየር መነሳት ቀድሞ ይቀይራል፡፡ የዘገየን የሚመስለን ትግሉ የሚጠይቀውን የቤት ስራ በራሳችን ላይ ስንጨርስ ነው- ይላል፡፡ ሁሌም ከንደዚህ አይነቱ ፍተሻ በሁዋላ የበለጠ ተነሳስቶ ብቅ ይላል፡፡ እንዲጠወልግ የሚሹት የሳቱ ወዳጆቹም የበለጠ ሊያዳክሙት ይቆርጣሉ፤ ወዳጆቹ እና ሌሎች የማይታጠፍ ግንባሩን ይበልጥ ያደንቃሉ፡፡ ትግሉ አጋር እንዳለው የበለጠ እርግጠኝነት ይሰማቸዋል፡፡
ነገም መዛል አለ ግን የበለጠ ጠንካራ ታጋይ ይወለዳል ያምጡት ተግዳሮቱን - የሁሌ ምኞቱ ነው፡፡ ይበልጥ እየጠነከረ ነው እንጂ እየደከመ እንደማይሄድ ይረዳዋል፡፡
ጀግና ሰው ነው ይፈራል፤ ይዝላል፤ ይሳሳታል፡ ይወድቃል ግን ጀግና ነውና ዝለቱን ድካሙን ውድቀቱን ጠንክሮበት የበለጠ ተስሎ ይነሳል ይቀጥላል፡፡ ለመቀየር መቀየር ለማስጀመር መጀመር የግድ ነው፡፡ ትግል ሲታገልህ ይለውጥሀል፡፡ ለለውጡ የተመቸህ ያደርግሀል፡፡
የቀረው ይቆየን!

Friday, November 16, 2012

How Best Can I Be of Best Use?

Usually we tend to criticize others for what we assume them to have failed because we believe it is their duty to make happen the things we expect them to do. I did this thing many times but I have kept asking myself is that the best I can do to make the things and those individuals become what I expect them to be. Of course not.

Rather "Why don't I take the initiative to make happen the things I expect others to meet? So if at all I am determined for the change, the right question I choose to ask myself is: Why not me? Why don't I take the initiative to do those things I expect others to do? If it is possible to take the initiative to criticize others for failing not to do, why don't I take  that initiative to inquire myself why in the world I fail to take initiative to do those things?

Am I best utilized when I question the commitment and integrity of others? How about my commitment and integrity? How about my initiative for change? How about my involvement in making those things we need as people and community to happen? Why don't I question my hidden character that hurts the need and dignity of others while I am bold enough to critically question and blame others for perceived and real character failures?

It is possible to involve myself in the same engagements I question others to make. That very involvement gives me hands-on experience and a close look at the issues and see myself how I sail the ups and downs which I expect others to meet despite whatsoever.

Why don't I get in the real politics happening and see for myself the frustrations, the challenges, the opportunities and the real problems. That will certainly show who I am and how prepared I am in those contexts. Such engagement also gives us courage and consideration in evaluating performances of others with proper balance.

Why don't I get into real social work and see for myself how hard and simple it is to manage and get things done in such commitments and causes? It is one thing to say one has to choose to do this despite whatsoever and it is completely another to face all the challenges and make the right choices while emotions are high and situations are frantic.

I think it is right time for all of us to ask ourselves: Why don't I take quality time to criticize myself on the same things I criticize others for failing? Am I really making those things and expecting others do their part or be on the sidelines and up to grab every moment to give them hard time when they fail for the mistakes of their own making or whatsoever.

Time to do some deep sole searching and see if we can have other ways we can best use our capacity to best contribute for things we believe are most important.

Thank you for your time! I will be back with another article.//