Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Why not us? Why always the unable government?

Why are we reluctant to exhaustively use our constitutional rights? why do we always expect government to do all for us while we know it just can't?

Why don't our opposition parties, despite whatsoever, become competent enough winning every crippling mechanism through legal means and be reliable alternative in the country's weak multi party system?

Why is the opposition weak enough even to write a credible and authentic policy documents though opportunities to air it out is limited? why do the opposition engage themselves in the limited airtime insulting EPRDF than showing their alternative policy and discipline?

Are CSO organizations meeting their objectives? Or are they becoming charities for those running them than for whom they are intended to?

Does the west send us charities for they are worried about the democracy we are in or are they using them as a tool to weaken governments when they go against the choice of the west?

Who say charities are angel like institutions? isn't fair to doubt them like we doubt even state apparatus?

Why are we, all of us, afraid to speak frankly, responsibly and respectfully like we demand from ETV?

IS not ETV a reflection of who we are than not?

Should an Ethiopian work to change ETV or hate it? Why do we fail to read and listen our opponents?

I believe it is a sickness we all share than the government alone. Is there a better way, alternative way to speak frankly and responsibly?

If not let's engage ourselves in ways this country we love expects us to. Whether it is good or bad it is Ethiopian government. What matters is not to hate; what counts is to work to better it through every constitutional way.


  1. Thanks Dear Editor,
    Let me try. I may not be right 100% or even 75% at the end, So please allow me to make genuine mistakes if i am going to. The reason i am trying is simply because I strongly believe it is worth sharing our thoughts and exchange ideas. Every positive change starts from an idea.
    Constitutional Rights -
    1- In order for them to be known they need to be communicated properly. Having them by it self is not the end. So If the ETV board gives air time to the Policy Makers, Policy Interpreters , ... and if they educate the public that would be great, The constitutional rights will be known by those whom the laws are going to be implemented.
    * The government lacks creating the mechanism to educate EVERY citizen about it.
    2 - People need to get clear information to whom to report if those rights are going to be provoked by some irresponsible authority. (Not all but there are always some authorities who abuse their power. It is common in US as well. But here they can be sued, they will go to court and then prison if found guilty )
    3 - People need to get security that they won't be punished further for exercising their rights. I think there is this perception "Authorities in Ethiopia are above law" - So, "የባሰ አታምጣ" እያሉ መሰቃየትን ይመርጣሉ

    ETV - Generally speaking I like ETV :) Like any other media , It can even be more impressive by making some changes & I am more than happy to suggest if allowed.

    Thanks, :)
    Yemesrach - MN/USA

  2. Great reflections!

    Specially Comment #3. caught my attention.

    How can you speak frankly and responsibly in a system where you are not sure what tomorrow holds for you as a consequence of your speech?

    I often hesitate to engaged in discussions even on internet because the unknowns are huge. Let's appreciate that we live in unacceptable level of huge uncertainty. And let's acknowledge our citizens are not that empowered to rely on the rule of the game. Denials will not take us anywhere but acceptance and looking for solution could at least take us one step a head.

    I do not think, the issue is having no one with rigorous genuine policy option to be communicated. We need to give space for our technocrats who may not be interested to side any political view but who would like to contribute to their country.

    Why is Ethiopia lacking middle players in the political sphere? Because the system only pays well in the two extreme corners. Either you are the supporter of the current party on power - then you pretty much tend to follow blue print, or you are on the other field of condemning everything for nothing-even worse in my view.

    I'm someone who is just a beginner to learn and try to make sense of what is going on, so please teach me...

    how can we guarantee our technocrats to freely speak, challenge, question and bring alternatives to the policy sphere?

    Few comments on your writing:
    I like your writing but I suggest you better focus on one issue at a time. For example in today's article you mixed up several issues all together, as a result the key message of the piece wasn't clear. You mention about donors, the west, and ETV (communication), and then about opposition.

    You could have improved it way better if you just focus on each of those and address one key question you want to communicate.

    thanks a lot and God bless you!

  3. is etv a public media or government propaganda institution??? can you tell me any other national media where the journalist or the news reader, read with full warning tone any government or federal police warning except etv. in many other nations report or live transmit government declaration or police warning accordingly stated by the appropriate person form the government organization or police,,,, but on etv a damn gazetegna like you come and warn it people, who really give the jurisdiction for a journalist to speak directly to the people as delegating the government in power.
    next time if you etv idiot say no reading to any government warning, and ask the responsible person from the government it self read it,,,, then we may see a changeable national media.
    I hope you do not tell us you are there because of your capability, but we know because of the card,,, so please examine yourself first, before come and say something because you have a blog. Nonsense
